51.6 F
West Bend

Local Catholic churches come together for Sunday Mass and family fun

Sept. 25, 2017 – West Bend, WI – A celebration of faith and community Sunday as four area Catholic Parishes gathered for an outdoor Mass at Regner Park in West Bend followed by a day of family, friends and fun.

The Mass took place under sunny skies and sweltering temperatures as parishioners gathered from Holy Angels, St. Mary’s Immaculate Conception, St. Frances Cabrini and Holy Trinity in Newburg.

Following Mass there was a plethora of food and family fun including a kids race and a 5K run/walk.


Thaddeus Bath, 31, of West Bend was the winner of the 3.1 mile race with a time of 18 minutes and 58 seconds and Kim Moran, 33, of West Bend was the top female finisher with a time of 25:26.

Click HERE to see race results.


Ric and Amy Leitheiser both took first place in their age group. There were 108 runners and walkers that toughed out the heat.


Money raised during the event went to St. Vincent de Paul.



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