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Lizard Mound County Park is now Lizard Mound State Park

Farmington, WI – Washington County’s Natural Resources Department announced today that this spring, Lizard Mound County Park, will be a State Park – Lizard Mound State Park.

Lizard mound

In October, the state Natural Resources Board officially approved the re-deeding of Lizard Mound.

For the past 35 years, Washington County has successfully operated and maintained the park for public enjoyment, helping to improve the public experience of Native American effigy mounds.

This park also has its own entry in the National Register of Historic Places.

In 2020, the County Board of Supervisors authorized the transition of Lizard Mound County Park back to the State of Wisconsin after reviewing the long-term management plans for the park and recognizing our limitations on caring appropriately for the effigy mounds.

“It is our hope that the State Department of Natural Resources will consider our work with the Milwaukee Audubon Society in developing a viable public-private partnership with the appropriate archeological expertise and ecological restoration capabilities to care for the mounds,” said Chief Community Development Officer Jamie Ludovic.

“We look forward to assisting the state during this transition as they concentrate on getting Lizard Mound State Park open and maintained this season for the enjoyment of Our Great Community.”

Inquiries regarding Lizard Mound State Park can now be directed to Jason Fritz, Southeast District Parks and Recreation Supervisor, Jason.fritz@wisconsin.gov

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