West Bend, WI – In 1940, postcards were sent to neighbors around West Bend, Wi, announcing, “On Wednesday, December 11,1940, The Famous Lithia Christmas Brew will be ready for distribution. Best ever — try it — you will like it.” In the article below is a list of taverns and liquormarts where Lithia was available in West Bend, Wi.

Different labels were designed for the seasonal beer. One paper label featured a green wreath with holly berries and a red bow. Inside the wreath was the familiar Lithia logo, underlined by the words “Christmas Beer” in thick German script.
Other designs featured the words “Holiday Brew” above a profile of Santa, who was bordered by pine branches.
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There was the red label special dark Christmas beer and the well-known Christmas label with six bearded elves each working to stoke the fire under the vat of beer, or pour hops, stir the mix, tap a pint and test the product.

Berres Liquor Mart, Triangle Beverage Mart, The Oasis bar (by Gehl Company); Pat’s Tavern (owned by Pat Pault), Kuhn’s Liquor (Jules Kuhn), Palashes Liquor and Janz Liquormart in Barton were just some of the local distributors.