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West Bend

Back to school / Labor Day weekend sale – Come find us in Slinger and Cedarburg | By Lexi Bullis

Slinger/Cedarburg, WI – Big weekend ahead as Slinger, Wi snowboarder Lexi Bullis takes part in a couple of craft sales to raise money on her quest to compete at the World Cup.
Lexi Bullis – Slinger, WI, USA

sale, Lexi

Bullis, a graduate of Slinger High School, will host a Labor Day weekend/ back-to-school sale. The first event is at 4656 Lakeview Circle, just east of Big Cedar Lake. From 9 a.m. until 3 p.m.

Come out and chat with Bullis and take advantage of her homemade soaps from Alpine Soap Company. Click HERE for more information.

On Sunday, September 4, Bullis will be at the Cedarburg Maxwell Street Days
from 6 a.m. – 2 p.m. at Fireman’s Park, Cedarburg, W65N796 Washington Ave. Cedarburg, WI 53012

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