March 31, 2020 – Washington Co., WI – As a County Supervisor I have had the privilege of working alongside Josh Schoemann for his entire tenure at the County. I knew he would be different from the very beginning when he met personally with each & every supervisor to hear our concerns & ideas. Over the past six years Josh has met & exceeded the goals we set for him. He is an exceptional individual & leader of Washington County. Josh will listen to the needs of the citizens and help to guide us through these challenging times. We have the right person for the job in place now for Washington County Executive. Please support Josh Schoemann with me by casting your vote to continue a well-run & fiscally conservative County.
Thank you
John Bulawa
Washington Co., WI – As District Attorney for Washington County, I believe a major reason that people choose to live and work here is because it is a safe place. During his tenure as County Administrator for Washington County, Josh Schoemann has proven himself to be a fierce supporter for our public safety departments. Not only has he been an outspoken advocate, he has worked with the Washington County Board to ensure that our departments have the funding and resources we need in our annual budget to protect and serve our citizens.
Among the positive leadership qualities that I’ve observed in Josh, the one I find most valuable is his credibility. If Josh says he will do something, you can count on it. It is of paramount importance that our first County Executive possesses this type of leadership as we transition into this new form of government. During these uncertain and uneasy days, we need steadfast and tested leadership. Please join me in voting for Josh Schoemann to be our first County Executive this April.
Mark Bensen
West Bend
West Bend, WI – On my first year on the board, I have been blown away by the amazing leadership that this board has. In working with them, I feel that the great direction that the county is going would not be without the great help of Josh Schoemann. I have served on boards in the private sector for more years then Josh has been in government and can tell that he knows what he is talking about. Ever decision that he makes, and every idea that he passes on to the board for a vote is thoroughly thought out and planned.
A big issue of discussion that I was a part of on the board was the POWTS fee that the board was asked to vote on to put in place. This would have charged anyone with a private septic system on their property a special assessment of $11.00 per year on their taxes. Josh listened to the people, and encouraged the board to vote against it, and stated that this would never be brought up again. He and his staff are always finding new and innovative ways to help lower taxes in the county, and to promote public safety, and to promote business in Washington County. A big concern with switching to an executive form of government is lack of representation, and I know that a lack of representation will not be an issue with Josh as the executive. He is willing to talk to anyone at any time. I will be supporting Josh Schoemann on April 7th, and I encourage you to as well.
Thank you,
Keith A. Stephan
Please also note:
London : W. Foulsham & Co., [1918]
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The final deadline for Letters to the Editor for the April 7, 2020 election is March 27, 2020.