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West Bend

Letter to the Editor | Slinger School Board race on April 2 ballot | By Laurel Harmon

March 30, 2024 – Washington Co., WI – I was disappointed as I read Paul Walter’s recent  letter to the editor and saw his misrepresentation of Bill Brewer’s definition of academic excellence.  Walter states several statistics that support his claims, but not once did he actually provide our district’s DPI scores.


Currently, only 62.6% of Slinger students are at or above grade level in English Language Arts, and that level has been 58.7%-65.6% since the 2015-2016 school year. While this score increased each of the last two years, this hardly fits the definition of “on the rise,” as Walter claims. Math performance has been 60.6%-69.9% over the same period and currently sits at 64.3% – flat from last year.

Paul’s letter represents a troubling mindset among some in our community. Bill Brewer asks questions with hopes of driving improvement.  Maybe Paul thinks Bill shouldn’t challenge the status quo. Aren’t we allowed to ask questions of our elected officials?

As an educator for 34 years in the Milwaukee and West Bend districts, it doesn’t matter to me how we compare with the rest of the state if over a third of our students are not at grade level. Why would anyone be afraid to ask “why” or “how can we help those below?” When I see room for improvement, I want to know how to get better, don’t you?

Bill strives for accountability and responsibility. He’s directly represented the concerns of hundreds of district residents at school board meetings for nearly three years. Those concerns cover budgets, curriculum, ESSER fund spending, library books, and district policy. He has great ideas for improvement, does his homework, and embraces the work it takes to represent and serve people.

I’m excited to support him in the spring election.

We need to elect Bill Brewer to the Slinger School Board on April 2.

Laurel Harmon
Jackson, WI



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All letters to the editor for the April 2, 2024, Spring election must be submitted by the business deadline of March 24, 2024.

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