38.6 F
West Bend

Letter to the Editor | Passion for education in West Bend School District | By Bill Schulz

February 7, 2024 – West Bend, Wi – To the editor: Another spring election. Another important election for the West Bend School District. After the last few years, as a community, are you asking yourself: “Am I truly happy with my local public education system or not?” Year after year, the community is faced with candidates that appear to be heavily supported by the teacher’s union and almost always win the elections.

Letter to the Editor west

Hello, my name is Bill Schulz and I’m running (again) for a seat on the West Bend School District School Board. I’m a second-generation blue collar truck driver. I’m married to my elementary school sweetheart and have two wonderful kids in the WBSD. My work ethic is unmatched by anyone in this race. My passion is to help others and be a voice for those who feel they don’t have a voice. This school district needs someone who won’t go along with the status quo. The status quo has brought the district down, instead of making strides towards improvement.

I’m asking for your vote on April 2. I am a man of action. When I say I will do something, I will not stop until the task at hand is completed. This school board needs a strong leader who isn’t afraid to speak up and seek justice for the children who attend our schools and are bullied, harassed, and violently assaulted.

The West Bend School District claims they have a zero-tolerance policy for bullying, harassment, and violence, yet their actions of enforcement are the complete opposite. There are sitting board members who believe there is nothing they can do to help reduce the frequency of violence. I disagree with that. All it takes is a little bit of thinking outside the box, which I’m used to doing in my line of work on a daily basis.

If you feel like the West Bend School District is worth saving and CAN be saved by a man of action, I’d be honored to earn your vote on April 2nd.

Thank you for your engagement and consideration.

Bill Schulz
West Bend, WI 53095



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