26 F
West Bend

Letter to the Editor | Vote ‘no’ on the $165 million (with interest) West Bend School referendum | By Carol Heger

October 28, 2024 – West Bend, Wi – I encourage all West Bend property owners and taxpayers to vote “No” regarding the West Bend School District monster referendum that is included on the Nov. 5 ballot.  WBSD is asking for $165 million (including interest) which is twice what the district proposed 5 years ago.  The 2019 referendum was $75 million (with interest) and was soundly defeated by the voters.

Letter to the no

Both referenda have included building a new Jackson Elementary, but both also included millions of dollars of capital maintenance.  Interesting that after the defeat of the 2019 referendum, the district found enough money in the budget to remodel the high school libraries (turning them into one library).

Maybe WBSD should consider combining the two high schools and save thousands of dollars in operating monies, by eliminating the duplication of services and employees, especially since enrollment trends continue to spiral downwards. (The district has lost about 950 students in the last 5 years.)


The West Bend district does not need to be rewarded by residents voting “Yes” for this overpriced, tax-increasing referendum.  Don’t be fooled by the charts provided by WBSD.  Your taxes WILL increase over 20 years, even though the “mill rate” is going down.  Regarding building a new Jackson School, the blueprints are not even available to examine and learn why the new Jackson Elementary will be 22,000 square feet larger than the new school proposed 5 years ago.


There are many concerns that remain about the curriculum and especially the books being offered to students through the Book Club program at WBSD schools.  Although dozens of books were reviewed by me and Jody Geenen over the 2023-2024 school year, many offensive titles remain on the first quarter Book Club lists. (We haven’t been able to examine the lists created for the other 3 quarters of the 2024-2025 school year.)  On the 5th grade Book Club list   BenBee and the Teacher Griefer, a prominent character prefers gender neutral phrases and emojis.  The author uses the “they/them” pronoun when referring to this character BenY.  I understand that WBSD does not even discuss gender dysphoria with 5th graders in Human Growth and Development (formerly known as Sex Education), so why is this a subject in a 5th grade English class book club?


Another 5th grade Book Club title is Rain Reign, and it includes offensive words that are not listed on the parental permission slip:  “retard” and “for God’s sake.”  Although the main character is on the autism spectrum, the author ends up perpetuating stereotypes by stating that “autistics are emotionless.”  Any book that incorrectly depicts a disability, or continues to use the “R” word, is not appropriate for impressionable 5th graders.


There is another referendum on the Nov. 5 ballot, and it’s a Wisconsin state-wide one.  If you’re concerned about non-citizens and illegals voting in our state elections, you need to vote “Yes” for this referendum.  If a majority of citizens vote “Yes,” non-citizens and illegal immigrants will not be allowed to vote in future elections in Wisconsin.


If you’re concerned about the security of local elections, please write in “Sue True” for Washington County Clerk on the ballot.  Read Sue’s election integrity article at “votesuetrue.substack.com” where she discusses drop boxes, hand counts, and voter rolls.


Finally, please vote Republican!   Some of the items that Trump and Vance will attack if elected:  the energy crisis (drill, Baby drill!);, inflation (price gouging is NOT the cause!); the politicization of federal agencies like the FBI, IRS, and of course the Department of Justice; the attacks on religious freedom; the indoctrination of public schools; the Title IX issue of biological males competing against girls in sports; and the list goes on.  Just as important, Eric Hovde must be elected to the U.S. Senate.  The country needs a Republican Senate if conservative judges and justices are to be placed in courts.  Many liberal judges show their political bias in their decisions, even as recent as the decision made to allow non-citizens to vote in Virginia.


Remember to vote early in person at City (or Town) Hall or vote on Tues. Nov.5!

  • Vote “NO” on the WBSD referendum
  • Vote “Yes” on the WI voters referendum
  • Write-in “Sue True” as Washington County Clerk
  • Vote Republican: Trump, Vance, Hovde

Carol Heger

West Bend, WI


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» Letters concerning referendums will be published with the caveat your home address must be in the district affected by the referendum.

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All letters to the editor for the November 5, 2024, General Election must be submitted by end of business day, October 25, 2024.

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  1. Yet another useless referendum based on fear mongering rather than facts. Non-citizens and illegal immigrants are not now and have never been allowed to vote in Wisconsin elections. In fact, Federal law prohibits non-citizens from voting. This is the kind of nonsense the politicians we overpay with our tax dollars spend their time on?

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