30.4 F
West Bend

Letter to the Editor | My civic duty to run for District 2 Alderman in West Bend | By Riley Hansen

February 11, 2025 West Bend, WI – To Voters of District 2 West Bend:
I, Riley Hansen, am running for our District 2 Aldermanic Race. My wife Ashley and I have lived on Kinross Court for 2.5 years. We chose this area in West Bend because we enjoy the parks near our house as well as walking the beautiful streets near us with our 2-year-old daughter Sutton. Ashley and I are excited to announce we will be welcoming twins in July, and we look forward to keeping our roots right here in West Bend.

Letter to the Hanse


My family has had a rich history of serving our local communities throughout Washington and Ozaukee Counties. This history has spanned more than 75 years from early entrepreneurial businesses started by Jack & Doris Hansen to Hansen’s Piggly Wiggly, local boards, local charities, schools and public service.

In my professional life I am the Director of Business Development for Packerland Rent A Mat. I oversee a staff of 5 people. In this position I am constantly holding staff accountable for our goals, looking for new ideas to expand and listening/communicating with our staff in a positive way.

Being part of this legacy has sparked by interest for many years in how I am going to give back and make my mark in our local communities. Nearly a month ago I decided it was my civic duty to run for Alderman in West Bend.

In this last month I truly have embraced this experience. I have attended multiple council meetings in person, met with small groups of people, knocked and dropped literature at over 1,000 homes in District 2 and held a fundraiser with people from all over Washington County.

In this time, I have heard from the constituents that we need to prioritize the following:
• Transparency
• City Budget
• Roads
• Water/Sewer Increase
• Wanting an Alderperson that is willing to Listen, Learn & Act Accordingly.

I believe this should not be about my platform; this is about what the people of West Bend
want, so that West Bend can continue to be the great city we all call home.

I am asking for your support on February 18.

Riley Hansen
West Bend, WI


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