September 12, 2022 – Germantown, Wi – I must say, I am truly surprised and disappointed at those who loudly claim to support the police, then when the Sheriff gives us his plan to combat the out-of-control drug trafficking and crime coming in from Milwaukee, suddenly they aren’t quite as supportive…
As I stated at the County Board meeting, where we voted to give the choice to the electorate via an Anti-Crime Referendum, “it’s about the people of Washington County, let the people decide, as I too have been talking to neighbors and they are petrified to leave their cars in their driveways. And look at the recent multi-jurisdictional interdiction, where in just four hours on I41-US45 they made multiple felony arrests! One driver fled, resulting in a pursuit and had an active arrest warrant for homicide; others were arrested for fleeing, possession of cocaine, possession of fentanyl.”
Another Milwaukee driver led law enforcement on a 4.5-mile pursuit and another vehicle they stopped proved to be stolen out of Milwaukee.
Recently, a Milwaukee woman and man were arrested when a routine traffic stop resulted in finding fentanyl, hydrocodone pills and illegally possessing a firearm with a 3D printed frame. These criminals need to be stopped!
With the number of active shooter and mass casualty incidents occurring across the country today, our law enforcement must be given the resources needed to be able to protect the law-abiding citizens of Washington County.
I will be voting YES on November 8th in favor of the Anti-Crime Referendum.
Jodi Schulteis
Washington County Board Supervisor District 16
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