April 4, 2020 – West Bend, WI – I am voting ONLY for true conservative, Jody Geenen, for West Bend School Board now, during in-person and absentee voting. I ask you to please join me and vote early for Jody Geenen.
The three incumbents running as a bloc have utterly failed to deliver on the greater transparency they promised. After being on the board a few months, with little public input, notice, or disclosure, they internally promoted an employee to high school principal, despite the fact that he was on a performance improvement plan (PIP; i.e., probation) at the time. Although a much more qualified candidate to be principal over both high schools was available, they promoted a poor-performing employee – someone who would not even be eligible for promotion in any other organization.
Later (I know firsthand from tracking the complaint), that same undeserving principal and a higher-up administrator purposely and provably violated the Citizen Complaints policy, yet Ongert, Justman, and Schmidt refused to discipline them. That is unacceptable and absolutely shameful of those three.
All three also quickly and quietly eliminated any requirement for teacher’s compensation to be based at all on student learning, achievement, or growth. So not only are all three incumbent board members unaccountable, they allow all our teachers to be completely unaccountable, too.
The one most to blame for all this is board president, Joel Ongert. He was in charge when all these horrible things were done and contributed to each of them. I also know from reading many emails firsthand he has been very disrespectful and abrasive in dealing with constituents.
I’ve had enough. I am voting for only ONE candidate – Jody Geenen. She is the only actual conservative running, and she is honest, trustworthy, intelligent, transparent, accountable, caring, and dedicated. I have worked with her in youth groups in our community and know her well. She will do right by all of us. Please vote only for JODY GEENEN. Thank you.
Jodi Williams
West Bend, WI
Letter submitted March 26, 2020
Please also note:
London : W. Foulsham & Co., [1918]
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The final deadline for Letters to the Editor for the April 7, 2020 election is March 27, 2020.