July 1, 2020 – Slinger, WI – The 2020 Washington County fair was cancelled. For some that simply means no rides, no cotton candy, and no great music. For others, it means a fair project came to an abrupt halt with little to no guidance. While some youth projects can be entered next year, others can’t and will result in a financial loss to a lot of kids.
I’m referring to the 4H and FFA livestock showing kids. They’ve bought and paid for their show animals. They’ve put in long hours, given up plans with friends, fed them, and kept them healthy, in anticipation of showing them during the fair with the ultimate goal of qualifying for a spot in the livestock auction so they can make back their investment and maybe a little extra.
These animals can’t be “held on to” until next year.
A lot of these show kids ultimately reinvest that money year after year for as long as they show and at the end of their show careers that money is put towards college. I have two of these hard-working kids. Tears were shed because a lot of “firsts” weren’t able to happen for them this year.
Our “show family” is lucky to have several parents and former exhibitors that want to give the kids as much as we can, so we came together and are organizing a livestock show. We worked with the County to gain use of the grounds, specifically our show arena, so that we can put on this show.
It will not be public, it will not allow the kids to “earn a spot” in the auction, but it will be judged and hopefully we get a few sponsors to help give back to the kids!
Some of you reading this may love the fair, some may run local businesses that support the fair. We appreciate all of you year after year. If you are looking for a way to support the livestock kids, you can email us at wcjrexpo2020@gmail.com.
Jody Strupp
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