March 30, 2020 – West Bend, WI – I would like to invite all of you to join me in electing Rich Kasten Mayor of West Bend.
Rich has served on the City of West Bend Council for many years – including serving on the all import budget committee. Working with his wife Katie, I have learned that Rich is not only a dedicated public servant but also a loving husband and great father.
Rich has the backing of former mayor, Kraig Sadownikow and many business leaders. He will continue work to improve our roads and other areas of the city while holding taxes at current levels.
Rich is a strong Christian man with impeccable character ( a testament of that character is the fact his daughter is currently dating a West Point cadet who at graduation will be serving our country as an officer in the United States Army).
Please join with me in giving your support and your vote to Rich Kasten.
Tom Miller
West Bend
Please also note:
London : W. Foulsham & Co., [1918]
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The final deadline for Letters to the Editor for the April 7, 2020 election is March 27, 2020.