May 18, 2022 – West Bend, WI – For all those saying elected officials are all idiots, put your name on the ballot.
The same old excuses all the time, I have work, I didn’t know, I stubbed my toe don’t fly.
If anyone truly cared you would have been there, you’re all so good at typing, why did I receive 1 email regarding the topic?
Truth is it’s easy to listen to half the facts and then spout off with pixie dust and unicorn solutions.
The fact that it was voted to get bids means nothing, it must still be voted to accept a bid and fill the pond.
No decision has been made at this point. People continually bitch about the cost and the” water and then turn around and say raise the prices, which way do you want it?
Another suggestion is building an aquatic center, does anyone have a couple million they want to part with?
Do officials read comments on social media?
Some do, some don’t, it gets tiring reading all the negativity and bashing so I personally don’t pay a lot of attention to the same 15-20 people complaining on every post.
Have an issue? Pick up the phone, call your alderperson if you even know who it is. We have a wonderful community filled with many great parks, restaurants, businesses and a great group of community supporters. The continual bashing and negativity gets us nowhere! End of rant! My phone is always on and my # is on the city web page.
District 4 alderman Randy Koehler
West Bend, WI
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People need to hear this Randy, way to much drama happens based off half the facts and lots of speculation. We need to let our Leaders Lead!
This is the guy who did his best to pick an online fight with me because I had the audacity to question why West Bend let one of its oldest buildings, the brewery, fall to the wrecker’s ball. He kept up the drumbeat, countering every post of mine regretting the decision to allow the building to be demolished. Continually saying I was trolling to foster discontent and often asking why I wasn’t involved with my money, time and effort to save the building. I ended up cutting him short, saying I would no longer respond to his taunts. Yes, every community has a crying need for dedicated citizens to step forward and give their time and energy to helping solve its needs. But there is no need for public officials who try to quash dissent of their beliefs and stances. Koehler, in his interactions with me, fit that mold.