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West Bend

Letter to the Editor | Confusion about $165 million WBSD referendum | By Billy Schulz

October 11, 2024 – West Bend, WI – There is a lot of confusion surrounding the West Bend School District referendum on the November 5, 2024, ballot. What’s the number on the referendum? $106 million? $165 million? Do any of you voters even know?

Letter to the Editor

Some of you probably think it’s $106 million, while others probably think it’s $165 million. The district has done a great job of reporting both numbers as how much the referendum will be, leading to much confusion with little to no accountability and zero transparency.


Yet again, props and a HUGE thank you to the lone soldier on the school board in John Donaldson who is clearly the only one equipped with knowledge on the board for calling out the administration and other board members for approving such an erroneous referendum that WILL burden taxpayers. As if Bidenflation hasn’t hit us all hard enough, the WBSD wants to throw this our way? NOPE!


Donaldson pointed out several flaws in the referendum regarding fliers being sent out to the public as well as information available online to the public at the most recent school board meeting and (Monday, October 7) as well as being in violation of board policy 615.


When the district’s attorney gave comment, his approach came from an interpretation basis. If I break a law, I deserve to be punished for it and shouldn’t be excused because my interpretation of the law was incorrect. The district should be held to the same standards, but YET AGAIN, aren’t and won’t.


After attending a CSCWC (Common Sense Citizens of Washington County) event Thursday, October 10 at the West Bend Moose Lodge, I was one of MANY residents of the WBSD that received non-answers by Superintendent Wimmer, Assistant Superintendent Andy Sarnow, and Technical Director Tim Harder to incredibly important questions.


Some of the questions that went unanswered were, “why is the proposed Jackson elementary school build over twice the cost per square foot compared to the national average of $236-$293 (according to a study done by ITBS)?”


“Why is this $165+ million referendum being brought to the taxpayers when inflation is at an all-time high, cost of living is at an all-time high, the city of West Bend is increasing sewer and electricity prices, and families are having an incredibly hard time getting by?!”


“Why has the districts legal team been deceitful in misleading the actual referendum question?” This is UNACCEPTABLE from the districts’ “leaders!”


The referendum question shows a number of $106.25 million, HOWEVER, the added interest on borrowing (if the referendum passes) reflects $165.45 million.


Assistant Superintendent Andy Sarnow admitted at the Moose Lodge in front of a room full of witnesses. If you don’t believe me, email him yourself and ask him! His email is asarnow@wbsd-schools.org

PLEASE join me in voting NO on this monstrosity of a referendum. The district hasn’t been transparent with the public. The district leaders were horribly unprepared to answer questions by the public at the Moose Lodge event.


If we are still on the “trust the experts” train, the bar seems to continually get lower and lower.

Billy Schulz

West Bend, Wi


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