April 2, 2021 – Washington Co., Wi – Why do voters insist on changing things that are working? We see it at all levels of government…just as solutions are taking hold, and often need a short time to mature, liberals in sheep’s clothing sweep in to wipe out progress. West Bend voters are too often deceived.
At the school district level, 5 years ago there was a long-term facilities plan, innovations around compensation and benefits, and business involvement in career training. Since then, it has not been about eliminating controversy (as recently suggested in the paper by one community member) as much as obscuring internal dealings, reverting to the old ways. Now, we are back to fighting for transparency. I am supporting Jody Geenen for West Bend School Board, so that the public might have a glimpse into the operations of our schools – something we haven’t really had in regard to curriculum, staff compensation or the last referendum process.
At the city, a strong group of business leaders reformed our budget, operations and lowered debt. Over a couple of elections, voters turned the fledgling conservative structure over to a new group, comprised largely of ex-public employees and their sycophants. No surprise what happened…in the middle of the pandemic, pay increases were doled out and taxes raised. On April 6th, please reverse course and vote for Thompson (Dist 2), your choice (Dist 4), Ahrens (Dist 6) and Kennedy (Dist 8).
At the state level, we kept the Republican Legislature intact, and our budget remains balanced. But, one look at Gov. Evers budget – 1 billion in new taxes and 8 billion in new spending – tells us we cannot relax! At DPI, leadership is lacking. Here, change is rare but desperately needed. Deb Kerr would be a breath of fresh air as Superintendent of Public Instruction. She knows what our kids need, and will connect them to what our employers require.
Lastly, for no better example of change for change’s sake, see our southern border crisis. A largely-solved problem, turned into a terrible and growing human tragedy, for no other reason than reversing Trump policy. Biden’s rhetoric and actions are the sole cause of what is happening. Well done!
On April 6th, and into the future, ask yourself whether the people you’re voting for will respect the work done before them, or just reverse course for the sake of change.
Randy Marquardt
West Bend
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