February 19, 2022 – West Bend, WI – As a past school board candidate twice, I know that our school board is in great need of good, conservative members who: care about what our students are being taught; will listen to parents and defend their rights; understand that student discipline is a necessity and that teachers need support in the classrooms and halls; will work to alleviate bullying; and will be good stewards of taxpayer monies. Our current board too often falls prey to casting 7-0 votes in favor of whatever the administration requests without asking questions that need to be asked.
I do commend our current administration for being more transparent about providing curriculum and resources for review by the public. However, our school board is not taking initiative to look at what is, or could be, taught until they are embarrassed by the community uncovering insurmountable indoctrination instead of truth-and-fact-based, balanced education with substance that should be taught.
Concerning issues like social distancing, forced masking, and vaccination, it seems the parents and community have to continuously “beat a dead horse” before the current school board members actually hear us. At least one of the incumbents is known for not walking his talk.
Regarding taxes, our current school board has a history of bragging that they are keeping our property taxes down by using the mill rate as their cover, because they know that most people are confused by how it works. However, anyone paying taxes knows that they have increased due to spending, especially per-pupil spending, since 2019. It’s even more frustrating when we see how and on what the money is being spent.
Please join me in voting for Melanie Ehrgott and John Donaldson for West Bend School District School Board on or before April 5.
Jody Geenen
West Bend, WI 53090-1730
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When it comes to schools and school boards, administrator etc.. Erin Has Phenomenal ratings and They should be doug into deep. I have a child there with an Educational IEP and they treat us so bad it’s sickening. Race is an issue for them also. They drive the students and families out that need a fair education.