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West Bend

Letter to the Editor | A call to real action | By Dan Schulist

August 5, 2024 – West Bend, WI – If you really care about our country over your political affiliation, then these things should bother you.  $37 trillion debt, Illegals not only easily crossing our border but being encouraged to do it. Runaway federal spending on bureaucracy garbage and foreign support.  Inflation, corrupt politicians and the list could go on.  Unfortunately for you, your party is responsible.  Republican, Democrat alike and the other few.

Letter to the Editor

Recently I engaged in a little political talk at the County Fair, and it dawned on me.  I drew myself into a worthless conversation.  We talked about fighting for the scraps that our government hands out after it has stolen it from us.


It was like trying to convert someone to Christianity by telling the other they were going to hell.  We need to really start getting on the same page if we stand a chance.  If your opinions and support start with the letter behind someone’s name, then you are failing as an independent thinker.  We look at the Federal Gov. like it’s our savior.  They take our money and give it back with strings attached.  Wasting it mostly on the bureaucrats who give it back.  This allows them to keep growing for their job security.  It should be shameful that the DC suburbs are among the wealthiest in the country.


I support Donald Trump because I don’t believe he is beholden to a party.  Although he’s part of the Republican party, his history shows he is not afraid to go against the grain.  As people try to convince you how bad he is, consider this.  Who is doing that?

The media who promotes the democrat party, politicians who promote wars, companies who push and promote left wing idiocies like men in girls’ rooms or changing gender before 12 without telling the parents. Republicans who are just as guilty as using their power to extort other republicans to preserve it.


We need transparency like never before.  Bureaucrats constantly deny information to politicians and the general public and still have their jobs.  We need politicians with the stones to call out people of both parties to do what’s right for America and its citizens.  Stop protecting public servants and defund their agencies when they are caught participating in unethical and illegal behaviors.


It’s soon or never.  It’s going to be interesting to see what is left with the republican party once Trump is gone, whether it’s this November or 4 years from now.

Dan Schulist

West Bend   

  • Psalm 37:23-24 “The LORD makes firm the steps of the one who delights in him; though he may stumble, he will not fall, for the LORD upholds him with his hand.”


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