July 16, 2023 – West Bend, WI – Gender identity is a primary focus of the book The 57 Bus. It promotes/normalizes the belief that gender is a choice. There are many examples of this in the book and this is one of them: The main character, Sasha, identifies as being gender fluid. Sasha states, “I have the potential to be anything, any gender at any time.” I’m relating this to an incident at a Wisconsin high school where 4 freshman girls were exposed to the genitalia of an 18-year-old senior in the shower after swim class.
According to news reports the male stated “I’m trans by the way” as he was disrobing in front of the girls. What a traumatizing event for these girls to experience! Would you want your daughter exposed to this at school in an environment where she is supposed to feel safe??!!
This is a real-life example of what happens when we teach our children you can be whatever gender you desire at any given moment. It’s not a long jump from using gender identity terms to believing one is “trans” and accepting “gender affirming care” such as hormones and mutilating surgery.
The scientific facts about the adolescent brain demonstrate why books like the The 57 Bus are not appropriate for middle and high schoolers. From research described in Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment, the human brain is not fully developed until near age 25. “The neurocircuitry of the adolescent brain remains under construction, thus making it difficult to think critically and rationally before making complex decisions.” At this stage adolescents are often risk takers and not fully capable of foreseeing the consequences of their decisions.
Some people are always saying “FOLLOW THE SCIENCE,” then please do so when selecting books of our children!
Mary Jo Thompson
Richfield, WI
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