February 18, 2023 – Waukesha Co., WI – In Mark Belling’s February 8, 2023 article, he continues to do exactly what he accuses Justice Kelly of doing: sliming the only proven constitutional conservative in this race.
But, this time, Belling goes one step further and lashes out with false accusations and name-calling of both me and Justice Rebecca Bradley. Belling’s article defames two sitting jurists apparently because we disagree with Belling’s personal choice among supreme court candidates. Isn’t this something we typically see from the liberal media?
Belling should be wary that his “temper tantrums” will only hurt a conservative’s chance of winning the upcoming supreme court race. He could be using his platform to promote both Justice Daniel Kelly and Judge Jennifer Dorow.
Instead, he is, with obvious bias, attempting to tear down the only proven constitutional conservative in the race. He is using his platform to launch false attacks on anyone connected to Justice Daniel Kelly’s campaign. Belling does so with no basis in fact and purely out of his own self-serving promotion of who he personally wants to see elected. As I travel the state, I see voters who love and respect Kelly and who will be voting for him because he served exceptionally well for four years. I share with voters why I believe Kelly is our best choice and our only chance of winning the general election: Kelly is the only candidate with supreme court experience, and Kelly is the only candidate who has written appellate decisions.
We know what we are getting with Kelly because he has a body of work from his four years on the court. Kelly is also the only candidate who can stand up to the liberal candidate who survives the primary. We saw Kelly do that at the only debate, and we see him do it at every event he attends.
Belling apparently doesn’t like that I am sharing this information with voters. He previously called for me to shut up. Now, he is smearing me, calling me names, and making accusations that have no factual basis. He suggests I (or Kelly’s campaign) were the source of the Cade Reddington story. Belling is flat wrong. The source is not me or the Kelly campaign. Dorow never denied a single fact from the Cade story, and I wonder why Belling has not asked Dorow about it.
Instead, Belling spends his time leveling groundless accusations against me.
My good name and reputation are something I take very seriously. I ran for the Court of Appeals because I care about the Constitution and the people of this state. I have served admirably since elected and I most certainly did not expect that campaigning for the Honorable Daniel Kelly would draw baseless attacks from someone who is supposed to be a reputable conservative talk show host.
Although Dorow and her mouthpiece Belling keep saying I am attacking Dorow, it seems to me that Belling is the one doing all the attacking. He is attacking Justice Daniel Kelly who was an exceptional Justice and person. He is attacking Justice Rebecca Bradley who is quite possibly the best Justice this state has ever seen.
And he is attacking me—a widow with three children who stepped up to save our court of appeals from an Evers’ takeover. The damage Belling is doing here is grave. I urge anyone who wants to see a conservative win this race to email Belling and demand he stop with his one-sided, unfounded attacks.
Our supreme court sits in the balance and if we lose the seat, Belling’s bashing will be to blame.
Shelley Grogan
Muskego, WI
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