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Letter to the Editor | Reflections on public service | By Sen. Duey Strobel

Cedarburg, WI – As we reach the end of the holiday season and the beginning of the New Year, I wanted to take some time to reflect on the incredible journey I’ve had in public service.

Letter to the Editor

I worked hard to win this fall but in a nearly 80% new district with over $10 million spent against me, it was too much to overcome.

It has truly been an honor to serve as a member of the State Senate. As my time in office comes to a close, I want to take a moment to express my deepest gratitude to all of you for your kindness, trust, and support throughout these years.

I have always viewed this role not as a career, but as a public service. It has been the ultimate privilege to serve the people of Wisconsin. From the very beginning, my focus has been on making a meaningful difference for our state—whether through historic tax relief, cutting wasteful government spending, or championing policies that put families first. I am proud of what we’ve accomplished together.

In this past session alone, we achieved milestones that will positively impact our state for years to come, including the expansion of the school choice program, the repeal of the 186-year-old Personal Property Tax, historic investments in our local communities, and the passage of a bipartisan reading reform bill to improve literacy statewide.

Throughout my tenure, I have worked hard to make government more efficient and responsive to the needs of Wisconsin families. Together we accomplished transformational labor reforms, such as Right to Work and the repeal of the prevailing wage law, the latter of which has saved taxpayers tens of millions of dollars. As a member of the Joint Committee on Finance, I helped shape budgets that delivered historic tax relief for middle class families, cut wasteful spending, invested in our state’s priorities, and put Wisconsin on a path of financial strength.

Though it is bittersweet to close this chapter, I take immense pride in the progress we’ve made together. This journey has been made possible only because of the trust and collaboration of my colleagues, the steadfast support of my family, and the engagement of my constituents. Your involvement has made me a better legislator and a better person.

While my time in Madison is coming to an end, my commitment to Wisconsin and to public service will never fade. It has been the honor of a lifetime to represent you, and I will always carry these memories with me.

Thank you all for your support, your trust, and your friendship. I leave with deep gratitude and optimism for the future of our great state.



Cedarburg, WI


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