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West Bend

Letter to the Editor | Vote Schimel for Supreme Court, Donaldson for School Board, and Yes to Referendum | By Jodi Williams

March 25, 2025West Bend, Wi – On or before April 1st, we should elect top-notch judge, Brad Schimel, to the Wisconsin Supreme Court, re-elect solid West Bend School Board member, John Donaldson, and enshrine the photo ID requirement for voting into the Wisconsin Constitution by voting “YES” to this statewide referendum.

Letter Schim

Brad Schimel is a truly honest, law-and-order, outstanding judge. He served Wisconsin with distinction as Attorney General 7-11 years ago. Judge Schimel supports photo ID for voting (his opponent is stridently against this common sense), which would help combat the rampant election fraud in Wisconsin, is strong on law enforcement and ensuring justice for victims while properly punishing criminals, and supports enforcement of our immigration laws, which will now be rightly used to deport the criminals among the 21,000,000-plus illegal alien invaders unlawfully allowed in under illegitimate, criminal Biden.

John Donaldson is the best member of the West Bend School Board. Because he has wisely maintained his independence from school district administration, John asks the questions that need asking – that other board members do not ask. He advocates for ending the indoctrination of our students and getting back to teaching them rigorously objective truth in math, English language arts, social studies, science (not the junk/political science pushed by the Extreme Radical Left), etc.

John understands how Common Core has hurt our students’ learning. This harm shows up in our district’s state report card scores, which have dropped 9 percent from 75.4 in 2017-18 to a paltry and unacceptably low 68.8 in 2022-23.

These falling scores began before the Planned-demic and have continued declining since then. They have also resulted in our school district losing about 1,000 students during that same timeframe. For these reasons and more, John smartly opposed the undeserved, overpriced, rip-off $165,000,000 referendum passed last fall, pushed by the superintendent (who won’t pay a penny for it because she does not live in our district) and former finance director (he bolted to Mequon-Thiensville right after this families-hurting referendum monstrosity passed and won’t pay a penny, either). Watch your much-higher property tax bills this December and for 19 years after that. None of the other two candidates has earned my vote.

Please join me in voting for Brad Schimel for Wisconsin Supreme Court, John Donaldson for West Bend School Board, and YES to the statewide referendum.


 Jodi Williams

West Bend, Wi


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