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West Bend

Letter to the Editor | Does the West Bend School Board want pornographic books in schools? | By Bill Schulz

June 6, 2024 – West Bend, WI – I think the West Bend School Board wants pornographic books in schools.

Letter to the Editor porn

After last night’s West Bend School Board meeting (Monday, June 3, 2024), it’s disgusting (yet not surprising) that not much comment was given by the five liberal board members (Chris Jenkins, Chris Zwygart, Chad Tamez, Kelly Lang, and June Kruger).


One comment that is VERY disturbing was from board president Chris Zwygart being something to the extent of, “I’m curious to see what the research shows regarding the educational value of sexual content in books.”


ARE YOU KIDDING ME CHRIS?!?! What possible educational value comes with teaching kids about sucking dick, slapping ass, or raping someone of your own gender (male gender, that is, one of the only two in existence).


John Donaldson recited a few state laws that this district is CLEARLY in violation of, but I’m sure there’s a loophole the WBSD team uses to get around it. When broken, these laws come with felony and misdemeanor charges.


Shockingly, Chad Tamez and Kelly Lang made no comment. This is surprising as any and all comments are (almost) always against and opposite of what John and Melanie say.


To someone that knows this leftist liberal majority boards’ antics, he is simply setting the stage for the other four liberals to fall in line to approve books with sexual content to be given to YOUR CHILDREN!


Thankfully, John Donaldson and Melanie Ehrgott are against this filth, but unfortunately, they make up the minority.


You don’t have to be a doctor to know that underage children don’t need to know how to suck dick or be given directions on how to have forceful sex. If the school board approved this (which they likely will), this further solidifies the argument that the WBSD is beyond being saved.


If this bothers you, please email the board and let them know your thoughts or show up to the next board meeting at the Education Service Center at 5:30 p.m. on Monday, June 17 and SPEAK UP! You are allowed a three-minute window to voice your concerns during public comment.


The boards email addresses are as follows:










Bill Schulz

West Bend, WI 53095

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  1. Yes, they want P****g****** books in schools.

    Why can’t the books be normal – stories where people get educated, go to work, get married, have kids, go to church, and die?

    These goofy authors always throw in some weird conflict or degeneracy to fulfill their sadistic pleasures and sick fantasies.


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