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West Bend

What do mowing lawns and making friends have to do with each other?

Washington County, WI – Interfaith Caregivers of Washington County is seeing green. With the arrival of spring, many of our local senior citizens need assistance with the growth of their lawns. Do you like to mow? Perhaps you could lend a hand.


The seniors in our community oftentimes struggle with loneliness. Family members may not live close by, some may not have the ability to leave their homes, and others may be living without a lifelong spouse. A visit with that special senior won’t cost a dime, only your time. Do you have a heart for the lonely?

Interfaith Caregivers of Washington County has client requests for lawn-mowing this summer as well as in-person visits.

Please contact beverly@ifc4seniors.org or call 262-365-0902 if you are interested in either of these opportunities. Volunteers set up times directly with the client for both of these services once you are matched.

If you reach out to Interfaith Caregivers with interest, we will provide you with more information on yard/client.

United Way

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