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VIDEO | 5 Corners Dodge-Chrysler-Jeep Law Enforcement Scholarship winners

October 21, 2020 – Washington Co., WI – A nice ceremony as Washington County Sheriff Martin Schulteis teamed with Roman Weninger from 5 Corners Dodge-Chrysler-Jeep to award four Law Enforcement Scholarships.

The Washington County Sheriff’s Office partnered with 5 Corners Dodge-Chrysler-Jeep on the project to present four scholarships to Washington County students interested in pursuing a career in criminal justice.

The qualified applicants will be pursuing undergraduate studies which will prepare them to enter a career in law enforcement.

law enforcement award winners

The one-time scholarships were worth $1,000 and funded through the generosity of 5 Corners Dodge-Chrysler-Jeep.

The qualifications:

Pursuing a course of study in a criminal justice career.
A Washington County resident.
A 2020 high school graduate and have a minimum High School GPA of 2.5.
Have no negative law enforcement contacts (minor traffic violations excluded, but not excessive).
Submit high school transcripts with the completed and signed application.
Enclose one letter of recommendation, which may include a teacher, clergy, civic organization or law enforcement.

Winners were:

Alexssa Jacak
Alexis Jacak
Daniel Croft
Daniel Croft
Imojyn Miller
Imojyn Miller

Jack Hansen received a $1,000 scholarship however he was not in attendance.

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