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Last day to vote in-person absentee for the Republican primary in the special election for Assembly Dist. 58


Dec. 15, 2017 – Washington Co., WI – Residents in the 58th Assembly District can begin voting in-person absentee on Monday, Dec. 4. This is the Republican primary for the special election to fill the seat left vacant following the death of Assembly Rep. Bob Gannon.

Four Republican candidates are running for the post. Their names are listed in ballot order: Tiffany Koehler, Spencer Zimmerman, Rick Gundrum and Steve Stanek.

The special primary is Tuesday, Dec. 19 and polls open from 7 – 8 p.m.  The special general election is Jan. 16, 2018 when the winner of the Republican primary will face Democrat Dennis Degenhardt.

According to West Bend City Clerk Stephanie Justman there have been about five people who have come to City Hall to vote in-person absentee over the past two weeks. Justman said the early prediction on voter turnout next week is about three to four percent.

In-person absentee voting can be done at the front counter in the clerk’s office in Slinger, Jackson, and West Bend City Hall, 1115 S. Main Street. The clerk’s office is open weekdays from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.

If you’re looking to vote in the town it’s best to call the clerk for their hours as that’s a real part-time position.

The 58th Assembly District includes the communities of Slinger, Jackson, Town of Polk, parts of Richfield, Town of Trenton and West Bend.

The term for the seat in the 58th Assembly District expires January 7, 2019.

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