51.2 F
West Bend

Larger sign requested for new dental office building in West Bend

March 1, 2021 – West Bend, WI –  On Tuesday, March 2, 2021, there will be a public hearing at 6 p.m. during the Plan Commission meeting as the owner of Oakbrook Dental asks for approval on an oversized LED monument sign outside the new office building 2117 – 2123 W. Washington Street.

new Oakbrook Dental

Construction on the new 2-story building started in late 2020 after two homes just west of Hankerson’s Bakery were razed.

American Commercial Real Estate

Plan Commission

Subject: SP-21-003, public hearing at the 6 p.m. meeting, for a site plan to request a
consideration to allow an oversized LED electronic message center for the monument
sign at 2117-2123 W. Washington Street, by Debbie Nelson, Jones Sign Company.

new sign request

On March 3, 2020 the Plan Commission conditionally approved a site plan for a two story
commercial building which included a dental office and tenant space located at 2117-2123
W. Washington Street. Oakbrook Dental is requesting a sign exception for an oversized
electronic message center for the development ground sign.

The sign proposal conforms to the overall sign size. The site plan provided for the sign location will need to be revised to demonstrate the minimum 5’ setback is provided by dimension the sign location from the property to the closest point of the sign.

17.48 (10)(b)2 of the sign code requires electronic message centers to be 16 sq. ft. or less in area or the developer may request an exception from Plan Commission for an oversized sign after a Class 1 public hearing has been held.


Oakbrook Dental is requesting the Plan Commission to consider an exception to allow for a 32 sq. ft. electronic message center. The sign company has submitted a letter of justification for this request. The request is based on the visibility for the legibility of the sign based on Wisconsin Department of Transportation requirements due to the traffic speed allowed on W. Washington Street and the physical design of the road being a divided highway.

The sign will be utilized by both tenants that will be occupying the building. The electronic
message center will also utilize a photocell to regulate the brightness of the sign throughout the day and dim the sign as necessary.

All owners of property within 200’ of the proposed ground sign have been notified and as of
this date, staff has received two inquiries about the public notice and neither had any
objections to the proposal.

If the Plan Commission finds the sign size to be acceptable, staff would recommend
approval of the sign with the conditions that a ground sign permit be issued prior to
installation and the site plan be revised to show a conforming sign setback.

pc: Pako Major, Oakbrook Dental

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