35.8 F
West Bend

Building on I41 and HWY 28 SOLD

July 29, 2021 – Theresa, WI – Many in the Washington, Dodge, and Fond du Lac County areas are familiar with the mammoth grey building that sits on the west side of I-41 and Highway 28.
The address is technically located in the Town of Theresa in Dodge County. Long story short, the building finally sold and will be developed.

Kreilkamp building

The nearly 20-acre parcel is listed at 4.530 acres commercial with 14.7 agricultural acres and .2 acres of undeveloped land. The 2020 assessment is $365,200 with the building alone assessed at $361,100.

The building, N9450 Mohawk Drive in Theresa, WI sold to Tim Kreilkamp CEO of Kreilkamp Trucking.

“We don’t have a name for it yet,” said Kreilkamp. “We plan on doing a truck driver school in there.”

Kreilkamp is already involved in trucking however he said they will be working with another company on the teaching part. “There’s a local school that will be taking care of that,” he said. The name of the company involved in the partnership will be released shortly.

The property was originally built in 2009; the initial design was for a veterinary clinic.

Kreilkamp said this was the only property they looked at for their truck driver school. He said he liked the site simply because it was available.

“It’s actually close to our trucking operation (in Allenton) and it’s close to WB Warehousing,” he said, “The second phase of our plan is to train agricultural technicians; for farmers implement mainly.”

Morrie's job posting

Kreilkamp said they’re aiming to have their first class in 2022.

Just a bit south of the Mowhawk Drive location Kreilkamp is also a huge new feed mill for Farmers Grain and Feed. That 24,000-square-foot facility is on STH 175 just north of Hwy 33; that will be a different company than Farmers Implement.

“This will replace the facility by the railroad tracks on Hwy 33 and Railroad Street in Allenton but for production only,” Kreilkamp said. “We’re still going to use that facility but not for production.”

The goal is to open the new 24,000-square-foot facility in Addison Center on October 1, 2021.


  1. Wait… this was supposed to be a veterinary clinic? Were we going to operate on a Brontosaurus? Similarly, does this building also serve as a dorm for the trucking school?

  2. For the dogs and their owners. A hotel suite (equipped with a fireplace) where your pet can recover from surgery in comfort, with their humans nearby.

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