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West Bend

Former West Bend mayor and business leader Kraig Sadownikow 20th Senate district decision

March 29, 2024 – West Bend, WI – Former West Bend Mayor and President and CEO of American Construction Services, Inc. Kraig Sadownikow has decided against entering the primary for the newly created 20th Senate District.


Following the Wisconsin Supreme Court’s decision overturning the previously approved legislative maps, the newly created 20th Senate District now includes much of Washington County and parts of Ozaukee and Sheboygan Counties. Sadownikow issued the following statement:

“After much prayer and consultation with Jo, my daughters, and trusted friends, I have decided to not enter the primary for the 20th Senate District. In everything I have done throughout my career, whether building the business Jo and I are so proud of or leading the city we love so much, I have always committed 100% – I will never take on a challenge if I’m not able to give it my all.

“In meeting with Sen. Feyen this week to discuss the new district, I came away convinced Dan is a good man, committed father and husband, and dedicated to continuing to fight for conservative reforms. I thrive when there are distinct differences in policy, beliefs and morals. I love the competition and working for what I feel is right on behalf of those who elect me. If the competition was a Democrat or a Republican, I could draw distinct differences with, I would feel differently about entering the primary. But I am confident Sen. Feyen will honorably represent the new 20th District.

“Additionally, in light of the new legislative maps, there are a significant number of critical elections around the state that need funding and manpower for Republicans to win. We must ensure Republicans maintain the majorities in the Senate and Assembly to guarantee the state remains competitive for future generations. I have no interest in drawing critical resources away from races we must win to protect our legislative majorities.

“I plan on doing everything I can to ensure the 20th Senate District remains a rock-solid conservative district. I will work to make sure my good friend Senator Stroebel is reelected to the 8th Senate District, now a critical swing seat. And I will continue to serve on the board of the USCCA political action committee.

“This state is at a crossroads. We must continue to identify and support small-government efforts at all levels of government. Our leaders can never forget the power of the private sector and the need for responsible and efficient government.”


About Kraig Sadownikow: Kraig and his wife Jo are the proud parents of four daughters. Kraig has committed years to community service and civic leadership. As the CEO and President of American Construction Services, Inc., Kraig knows what it takes grow a business and build a winning team. Kraig proudly served as the Mayor of West Bend from 2011 to 2019.



  1. Thank you, Kraig! Appreciate your past service to our community and your willingness to stay in the fight! We need people like you. I’ve met Dan in the past too, and I think he’s terrific! I’m convinced he’ll represent us well!

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