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Korean War Veterans Association Chapter 111 honors Norb Carter | By James Maersch

July 9, 2022 – Washington County, WI – James Maersch, (r) Chaplain of Korean War Veterans Association Chapter 111 presented a Camo Quilt to Norb Carter, 92, a Korean War combat veteran. Accompanying the quilt was a card with signatures of the volunteers who made the quilt.
Norb Carter (l); James Maersch, (r)
Camo quilts are presented to any veterans who experienced combat, are injured, deployed or have health problems. The specially made quilts are made by volunteers who care about veterans and appreciate their service.  There is no charge to the veteran for the quilt.
Norbert Carter
Norb Carter never finished high school.  Due to the lack of manpower he had to work on the farm.  He was subsequently drafted and sent to Korea.  Norb did finally receive his diploma at a ceremony held at Kettle Moraine Lutheran High School in Jackson.
Norbie Carter, veteran, Memorial Day
In addition to his being Commander of the Korean Veterans Association Chapter 111, he is also a member (and former Commander) of the VFW  as well as the American Legion.
Click HERE to read more about Norb and his military history.

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