62.4 F
West Bend

KML clinches win over Waupun | By Jordyn Heckendorf


Dec. 14, 2018 – Jackson, WI – The KML Chargers earned its third win of the season (3-0 in Conference) with a 63 – 55 victory over the Waupun Warriors Thursday night.


The pace of the action was stalled due to the tightly called game, resulting in 49 total fouls.


Seniors Megan Sina and Ariana Miller supported the Chargers through their aggressiveness on offense, Sina led with 15 points and Miller followed closely with 13.


KML pushed the ball down the floor well to secure a 15-point lead going into the second half. Waupun chipped away at the lead, cutting it to 5 points with 46 seconds left in the game. The Chargers hung on to win and will compete next at Plymouth this coming Tuesday.

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