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West Bend

Kindergarten RoundUp begins Jan. 28, 2024, at Holy Angels School

West Bend, WIHoly Angels School, 230 North Eighth Avenue, West Bend, WI, will be holding its Kindergarten RoundUp on Sunday, Jan. 28, from 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. in the Walnut Room of the school.  Holy Angels offers a 3-year-old, 4-year-old, and 5-year-old program. Registration materials and information about the programs will be available at the RoundUp.


The Three-Year-Old Kindergarten (K3) Program at Holy Angels School provides a wonderful experience for children that combines fun and learning in a group setting. Holy Angels School offers this excellent K3 program in the fine tradition of providing a learning environment in which your child’s interests will be nurtured and stimulated.

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We feel that it is important to help develop a love for discovery and learning at this special time in your child’s growth. We also provide opportunities for children to begin developing the social skills that are so necessary in becoming an active member of a learning and growing community. We hope that you and your child will enjoy the start of a Kindergarten journey that will open a world of wonder and awe in God’s presence.


The four-year-old Kindergarten program provides a wonderful experience for children at the beginning of their formal school years. As part of the Holy Angels School family, you and your child are invited to share in the excitement of growing and learning at this important time of life. We look forward to the opportunity to continue the work already begun at home in opening the world of learning with your child.

The 5-year-old Kindergarten program schedules will vary from day to day. Most days include group time, work and choice time, centers, game time, gym and storytime.

Holy Angels School Philosophy:

Holy Angels School recognizes the elements of faith already present in the home and the role of parents as “the first and foremost catechists of their children” (NCD 212). The faculty and staff of Holy Angels are dedicated to the spiritual, intellectual, psychological, moral, physical, aesthetic and social growth and development of the students who are enrolled. The school strives to meet the developmental needs of each student through a variety of instructional experiences and the daily modeling of Christian values.

Because each person is highly treasured in the eyes of God-Father, Son, and Spirit-all students, faculty and staff participate in a faith community based on love and respect.

For more information, contact the school office at 338-1148.

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