53.7 F
West Bend

Kilian Management supports Boys/Girls Club of Washington County; Bring your donations in today

West Bend, WI – To support the Boys and Girls Club of Washington County and celebrate the Grand Opening of McDonald’s on Highway 33 in West Bend, Kilian Management is giving you a chance to win a 2-year lease on a new Jeep Wrangler.

Just bring in an unopened box of snacks such as Goldfish or graham crackers, fruit snacks or granola bars to the McDonald’s on Highway 33 between now and July 29, 2018 and you’ll be entered to win one of ten keys. One key starts the Jeep Wrangler and reveals the winner; the snacks go to the kids at the Boys & Girls Club.

Drop off your snacks today at McDonald’s on Highway 33 in West Bend today. The kids win and, who knows, you could be a winner, too.


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