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Kewaskum School Board names new member to fill open seat

November 12, 2020 – Kewaskum, WI – On a vote of 5-1 the Kewaskum Board of Education selected Ric Leitheiser to fill an open seat.

Ric Leitheiser

Leitheiser will fill the seat left vacant by Mark Sette who quit the board in September 2020.

Voting in favor of Leitheiser were Sue Miller, Jim Leister, Tim Ramthun, Dennis Aupperle, and Doug Gonring.

Board member Stephanie Bird recommended Lori Bruno-Sommer.

Leitheiser will fill the seat for the next six months; that seat will be up for election again in April 2021.

During the interview process Leitheiser said he intended to run again in April.

Leitheiser is a graduate of Kewaskum High School. He recently wrapped up 35+ years in banking and has moved back to the district.

During the interview process Leitheiser said his vision for the district was “excellence in education in preparation for future.”

Following an orientation process Leitheiser will be sworn in prior to the December meeting.

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