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Kewaskum Police respond to report of man stabbed in the chest

January 4, 2024 – Kewaskum, Wi – Kewaskum Police responded to a report of a man who had been stabbed in the chest at an apartment on Courtney Lane. The incident wrapped up a busy 2023.
Reports below.
12-23-2023 – DISORDERLY CONDUCT / STABBING – Kewaskum Police Officers responded to a call for a disorderly incident occurring in an apartment complex on Courtney Lane. Dispatch advised people were arguing and yelling in the background. Just prior to arrival, officers were informed that a male party had been stabbed in the chest.

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Officers entered the complex and located multiple male parties in the hallway with one male victim bleeding from the area of his left eyebrow, he had swelling and bruising to the left side of his face and an open knife wound to his upper left chest. Officers rendered medical aid to the victim until Kewaskum Rescue arrived on scene and took over care.
The male party was transported to Froedtert Milwaukee for treatment. One officer remained on scene to further investigate while another officer followed the ambulance to Milwaukee.
Through the investigation it was determined that a physical altercation occurred previously in the evening that led to the victim getting punched in the face.
After being punched in the face, the victim left the apartment and returned to his own apartment on Timblin Drive. He then decided to return to Courtney Lane apartment to confront him about the incident. He also had three other men accompany him. Upon arrival at the Courtney Lane apartment, they started banging and knocking on the door. When it was not answered, they began to force entry into the apartment, which was locked. Once the door was forced opened, the resident inside reached out with a knife and stuck the male party in the chest, ending the altercation.
Charges have been requested on the male party from Courtney Lane for battery from the initial incident. Charges have been requested on the male party from Timblin Drive for Disorderly Conduct and Criminal Damage to Property.
12-22-23 – ACCIDENT PD – Officer responded to a two-vehicle traffic collision on Hwy 45 and Badger Road. A northbound vehicle turning left onto Badger Road pulled in front of a south bound vehicle, causing the collision.
12-22-23 – TRAFFIC – Officer stopped a vehicle for loud exhaust. Upon stopping, the driver and passenger both exited the vehicle, stating they lived in the apartments near where they parked and became augmentative with the officer. The officer was able to deescalate the situation and the parties became cooperative. The driver warned for his loud exhaust and cited for Operating with a Revoked License.
12-23-23 – TRAFFIC / POSSESSION – Kewaskum Police Officer stopped a vehicle for speeding. Upon speaking with the driver, the officer detected the odor of marijuana emitting from the vehicle. The driver was cooperative and admitted having a marijuana pipe and grinder in the vehicle. After a search of the vehicle, the officer located the pipe and grinder, as well as a glass jar labeled “My Stash Daytona Beach” with marijuana residue inside. The driver was cited for Speed and Possession of Drug Paraphernalia.
12-23-2023 – WELFARE CHECK – Officer was called to Subway for a 5-year-old boy who walked in unattended by any adult wearing his pajamas. The officer was able to ascertain that the boy walked over from an apartment on Timblin Drive. The mother was unaware that the boy had left the residence and stated he must’ve been gone for approximately 20 minutes. This is not the first time our department has dealt with this situation with this child; therefore, reports will be filed with CPS.
12-24-2023 – NOISE COMPLAINT – Officer responded to an apartment on Courtney Lane in response to an anonymous noise complaint. Officers could hear loud music upon entering the apartment complex and were able to locate and resolve the issue.
12-24-2023 – RESCUE CALL – Kewaskum Police Officers responded for a male party who possibly broke his leg and was intoxicated. Upon arrival the male party started to make suicidal comments; stating that he wanted to shoot himself in the head and that he wanted to shoot the officer as well. Washington County Acute Care Services was contacted and decided not to place a mental commitment hold on the male party and would do an assessment once he was sober. He was transported to the hospital for his injuries by Kewaskum Rescue.
12-24-2023 – RESCUE CALL- Kewaskum Police Officers responded to a call for a 42-year-old male who was very intoxicated and not breathing. Upon arrival officers determined that the male party was breathing; however, he was very intoxicated. His mother, who was also on scene, stated he was drinking heavily and consumed two pints of brandy. The male subject was transported to the hospital by Kewaskum Rescue.
12-24-2023 – TRAFFIC / POSSESSION – Officer initiated a traffic stop for a speeding violation. Upon speaking with the driver, the odor of marijuana was emitting from the vehicle. The driver admitted to having paraphernalia in the vehicle. Located in the vehicle was a glass pipe with residue, a THC pen, and a clear plastic jar with marijuana residue inside. The driver was warned for speeding and issued a citation for Possession of Drug Paraphernalia.
12-24-2023 – TRAFFIC / POSSESSION – Officer initiated a traffic stop for a speeding violation. Upon speaking with the driver, the odor of marijuana was emitting from the vehicle. A search of the vehicle was conducted, and multiple cannabis flower packages were located. Driver was issued citations for Speed and Possession of Marijuana.
12-25-2023 – ASSIST OTHER PD – Officer assisted West Bend Police Department in taking a female party into custody for domestic disorderly conduct and battery.
12-25-2023 – MUNICIPAL ORDINANCE INVESTIGATION – Kewaskum Police Officer conducted a park check and located a vehicle parked in Riverhill Park after hours. In plain view of the window was marijuana and a grinder. Upon checking the park, two individuals were located and questioned about the marijuana. One male party claimed all the items as his – three baggies containing marijuana, a grinder, a bong type device and “Polk-a-dot” mushroom bars. Citations were issued for Possession of Drug Paraphernalia and both parties were warned for Violation of Park Hours.
12-28-2023 – MENTAL HEALTH / POSSESSION – Officers received a call that a female party was threatening to harm herself with a knife. Upon arrival the female was no longer in possession of a knife and blood was located throughout the residence. The female’s boyfriend was in route to the hospital for injuries sustained to him when he took the knife out of her possession. The female party was intoxicated, and drug paraphernalia was located in the residence. Washington County Acute Care Services was contacted, and an assessment was completed. Citations were issued for Possession of THC and Possession of Drug Paraphernalia.
12-30-2023 – MENTAL HEALTH – At 9:48pm, Kewaskum Police Officers responded to a report of a suicidal female in possession of a firearm and medications. Officers were able to make contact with the female party and have an assessment completed by Washington County Acute Care Services. A Chapter 51 Commitment Hold was placed on the female, and she was transported to Froedtert West Bend hospital for medical clearance and ultimately transported to Fond du Lac Behavioral Health Center. Individuals placed on a Chapter 51 hold are in police custody until the patient is transferred to the assigned behavioral health unit. Officers cleared from the call at 11:06am on 12-31-2023 (13 hours and 18 minutes).
12-31-2023 – ASSIST OTHER PD – Kewaskum Police Officer located an item in the roadway on Fond du Lac Ave near Prospect Drive. The item is believed to be in connection with a fatal accident investigation that occurred in Fond du Lac County earlier that day. The item was logged into evidence and transferred custody to the Fond du Lac County Sheriff’s Department.
01-01-2024 – TRAFFIC / POSSESSION – Kewaskum Police Officer initiated a traffic stop for a speeding violation. Upon speaking with the driver, the odor of marijuana was emitting from the vehicle and the odor of an intoxicating beverage was coming from him. The driver was placed through Standardized Filed Sobriety Testing and it was determined he would not be placed under arrest for OWI. The driver’s license was in suspended status. He was issued citations for Operating while Suspended and Possession of Marijuana.
01-01-2024 – ACCIDENT HIT AND RUN – Officer responded to the J-Stop for a report of a hit and run accident that occurred the evening prior. A larger pickup truck struck the fencing near the dumpster area. No suspects at this time.

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