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Kewaskum Police looking for suspect in 80 mph chase | By Chief Thomas F. Bishop

December 8, 2022 – Kewaskum, WI – On December 7, 2022 at approximately 11:33 p.m., KPD Officers observed a silver Saturn with plates that came back to a black Ford Expedition.



The officer initiated a traffic stop in the Kohn’s Filling Station parking lot. The officer made contact with the driver and while speaking with the driver, he detected an odor of marijuana emitting from the vehicle. The driver advised he had CBD and not Marijuana.

The officer then asked the driver to step out of the vehicle to further investigate the illegal odor. The driver then put his vehicle in drive and rapidly accelerated in the parking lot of Kohn’s fleeing the traffic stop. A vehicle pursuit was initiated and initially went south on Prospect Drive and continued out of the Village. The pursuit lasted approximately five miles with speeds near 80 MPH. During the pursuit the driver operated left of center, failed to stop at numerous stops signs, and extinguished his lights during the pursuit. The pursuit was ultimately terminated due to weather conditions, speed and dangerous driving behaviors of the suspect.

A short time later the suspect’s vehicle was located in the middle of the road on County Hwy D near Panorama Road. A subsequent search did not locate the driver; however a suspect has been identified. The vehicle was towed and impounded.
This case is still under investigation and no more information will be given out at this time.

The Kewaskum Police Department received assistance from the Washington County Sheriff’s Office and the Germantown Police Department.

Kewaskum Police Department

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