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Kewaskum School District announces new Police liaison officer

April 29, 2024 – Kewaskum, WI – The Kewaskum School District and Police Department are making several announcements following the charges filed against a former school liaison officer.
Below is a notice that went to families from Superintendent Mark Bazata.

Kewaskum School District

Dear Kewaskum Families,
Another criminal complaint has been filed against an adult who, until recently, worked in our school buildings.
Although the new complaint didn’t involve our students, it did include some disturbing offenses that may have negatively impacted some of them.
We are troubled by the allegations in the complaint and are cooperating with law enforcement and prosecutors. Student safety and welfare is a top priority for us. We continue to be committed to providing all of our students with a safe and positive learning environment.
We want to reemphasize that we are here to support any student who needs help. We realize that it can be difficult for students to know how to react and process a situation when they have been betrayed by a trusted adult.
If you notice that your child could use help, please reach out to your principal or counseling staff, so we can make sure to give them the help they need.
On a similar note and after careful review, we still believe the School Resource Officer position is an important one for our school district to maintain.
Back in March, we had already started the process of selecting a new SRO for the 2024-25 school year. His name is Officer Aaron Roth. Officer Roth has been a police officer since 2018. Recent events have accelerated the timeline for his start date.
We understand that it will take time and intentionality to build up the trust in this position, but we feel like it is work worth doing for the good of our students, staff, and community.
Our goal is to have a positive and productive end to the school year. We can do this if we support one another, and make sure that students who do need to talk have an adult they can go to. Our staff will continue to monitor students and direct them to our administrators and counselors to have those discussions.
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me or your principal.
Dr. Mark Bazata
District Administrator Kewaskum School District
Kewaskum Police Chief Tom Bishop also confirmed officer Rosales resigned his position from the police department on April 11, 2024.

Good Morning Judy,

Rosales was hired June, 2017.

He Resigned Prior to the Completion of an Internal Investigation on April 11, 2024.

I was, obviously, going to the PFC to terminate his employment but he resigned before that occurred.


Thomas F Bishop
Chief of Police
Kewaskum Police Department

April 23, 2024 – Fond du Lac Co., WI – The Fond du Lac County District Attorney has released the criminal complaint detailing bestiality charges against Steven Rosales of Campbellsport, WI.


According to the complaint Rosales faces five counts total including 3 counts, first offense, of allegedly engaging in sexual contact with an animal. Another count, first offense, allegedly photograph, film sexual contact with animal and a final first offense, allegedly distributed, sell, publish sexual contact with animal material.

You can choose to CLICK HERE to read the criminal complaint.

Note, the contents are graphic and may be disturbing in nature.


A portion of the criminal complaint is below. According to the criminal complaint, West Bend Police found the information while searching Rosales’ phone as they were investigating the case regarding a student at Kewaskum High School.

Washington Co. Sheriff Martin Schulteis confirmed Tuesday afternoon this is the same Steven Rosales who is facing felony charges regarding allegation with a student in the Kewaskum School District.

Rosales was arrested following his court appearance Monday, April 22, 2024 and transferred to Fond du Lac County authorities.

The Fond du Lac County DA anticipates the defendant will make his initial court appearance in court on Wednesday April 24, 2024, at 11 a.m. in the Fond du Lac County intake courtroom.

Below is a story initially published Tuesday afternoon, April 23, 2024 following releases from the Fond du Lac County DA and Fond du Lac County Sheriff.

Fond du Lac Co., WI – The Fond du Lac County District Attorney’s office has released a statement indicating Steven Rosales was arrested by the Fond du Lac County Sheriff’s Office on April 22, 2024 on three counts of bestiality.


It is anticipated the defendant will make his initial court appearance in court on Wednesday April 24, 2024, at 11 a.m. in the Fond du Lac County intake courtroom.

No further details will be released until a criminal complaint is filed according to Eric J. Toney, Fond du Lac County DA.

The Fond du Lac County Sheriff also issued a statement.

We’ve received media inquiries regarding Steven Rosales, who is currently in custody at the Fond du Lac County Jail. On 4/22/23, Sheriff’s Office Detectives took Steven Rosales into custody on three counts of Bestiality. Detectives have forwarded these charges to the Fond du Lac County District Attorney for formal review. Further information regarding this investigation will be released in a criminal complaint if formally charged.

Fond du Lac Co. Sheriff

Washington Co. Sheriff Martin Schulteis confirmed Tuesday afternoon that this is the same Steven Rosales who is facing felony charges tied to a student in the Kewaskum School District.

Rosales was arrested following his court appearance Monday, April 22, 2024 and transferred to Fond du Lac County authorities.


Below is a story that initially was posted April 19, 2024.


This is a working story and more information will be posted when details are available.

Felony charges were issued against Steven Rosales on Friday, April 19, 2024.

You may choose to CLICK HERE to read the full criminal complaint. Note – contents may be disturbing in nature.


Rosales posted $40,000 bond and is out of jail at this time.

If convicted of all 3 charges, Rosales may not be fined more than $10,000 or imprisoned more than 3 years and six months or both on each charge.
Below are stories initially filed following a release by the Kewaskum School District and Kewaskum Police.
The prosecution and West Bend PD asked for two weeks to bring forth the charges at the bail hearing.
April 7, 2024 – Kewaskum, Wi – The Kewaskum School District in cooperation with Kewaskum Police Department are releasing details regarding an arrest of a police liaison officer for allegedly having inappropriate relations with a female student from Kewaskum High School. The letter from superintendent Mark Bazata is below.

Kewaskum School District


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Dear Kewaskum Families,

On Friday afternoon, April 5, we received a call from a parent with concerns about our School Resource Officer. We immediately contacted the Kewaskum Police Department, who then requested the West Bend Police Department to conduct an independent investigation.


The investigation revealed inappropriate conduct toward an 18-year-old female student. He was arrested and is in custody at the Washington County Sheriff’s Office. He is being held on charges of Sex Assault by School Staff – 948.095(2) and Misconduct in Public Office – 946.12(2). In addition, the Officer will be restricted from all Kewaskum School District properties.

We are in full cooperation with the Kewaskum and West Bend Police Departments as they continue this investigation. At this time, law enforcement has no evidence to suggest that the Officer had any inappropriate communication or behaviors with other Kewaskum students.


Our staff will be vigilant in observing and listening to students should they need an adult to speak with about this issue. In the event a student seeks to speak to someone here at school, faculty and staff will direct them to our school counselors and administration.

If you have any information about this case, please contact the West Bend Police Department at 262-335-5000.

Student safety is a top priority, and we will continue to work together to ensure that the Kewaskum School District will be an exceptional place to learn for our students.

Dr. Mark Bazata
District Administrator
Kewaskum School District


Village of Kewaskum, WI – A 34-year-old Kewaskum Police Officer has been arrested for his alleged involvement regarding inappropriate conduct toward an 18-year-old female student while the officer was assigned as the School Resource Officer.
The female’s parents reported this concern on Friday, April 5, 2024. After being notified, Police Chief Thomas Bishop immediately initiated an internal investigation. To maintain transparency and impartiality, the Chief requested the West Bend Police Department conduct the independent investigation based upon mutual assistance.
The initial investigation revealed inappropriate conduct towards the female student. The officer was arrested the evening of Friday, April 5, 2024, and remains in custody at the Washington County Sheriff’s Office. He is being held on felony charges of Sex Assault by School Staff – 948.095(2) and Misconduct in Public Office – 946.12(2).
Police Chief Thomas Bishop said of the incident, “We hold our officers to the highest moral and ethical standards. To say these allegations are a shock would be an understatement. As a parent and your police chief I am saddened and angered. This officer betrayed the trust of the Kewaskum Police Department, the Kewaskum School District, and most importantly, the community our officers take an oath to serve with professionalism, integrity and respect.”
The officer will be placed on administrative leave pending the completion of a formal employment discipline process upon his release from jail. At this time there is no evidence to suspect there are any other victims.
In an effort to maintain the integrity of the investigation, no further details about the case will be released at this time.
Media Contact:
Chief Thomas Bishop

This is a working story and more information will be posted when details are available.

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