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Kewaskum man nominated for Packers FAN Hall of Fame | By Katie Hermsen

January 4, 2022 – Kewaskum, WI – Neighbors across Kewaskum are more than familiar with Wayne Sargent’s passion for the Green Bay Packers. Now the local supporter of the green and gold has been nominated for the Packers FAN Hall of Fame.

Wayne Sargent nominated fan

Ten finalists have been named in the search for the 24th member of the Packers FAN Hall of Fame, and voting has begun for fans to make the selection.

12-year-Addison Melzark nominated Sargent for the Hall of Fame. Below is a portion of the nomination letter.

“I am nominating my grandpa, Wayne Sargent, for the 2021 Packers FAN Hall of Fame Contest. My Grandpa is the self-proclaimed, “Ultimate Packer Fan.” This started back in 2010 when he won the Ultimate Packer fan contest by submitting a photo he took while at a Packer game. Then in 2011, he won the Guiness Beer Boldest Fan of the Game Contest. In 2013 he was voted into the top 25 semifinalists for the ESPN hall of fame. He even was invited to cook on the …”  Click HERE to read the rest of the letter.

Uncle Larry's Storage

Packers fans were asked to nominate themselves or a friend for the honor with an essay of 500 words or less, accompanied by a photo, explaining why he or she should be recognized. From those nominations, 10 finalists were selected by the Packers FAN Hall of Fame selection committee.

This year’s 10 finalists are:

  • William Bartlow – Charlottesville, Va.
  • Wayne Sargent – Kewaskum, Wis.
  • Tom Malchow – Hudson, Wis.
  • Rick Burgard – Sheboygan, Wis.
  • John Kuziej – Burnsville, Minn.
  • Joanne Heney Swietlik – Green Bay, Wis.
  • Jeff Yasick – Mazomanie, Wis.
  • David Guld – Wausau, Wis.
  • Carri Emmerich – Sturgeon Bay, Wis.
  • Alyssa Scoda – Washington, Pa.

Fans can read the finalists’ profiles and vote online by visiting packers.com/fhof. The winner will be selected by three different groups of people: Packers fans, previous FAN Hall of Fame honorees and the Packers’ committee.

The voting deadline is midnight, Jan. 31, 2022. Voters will be entered into a random drawing to win Packers merchandise.

The honoree’s selection will be announced in late winter 2022. He or she will receive four club seats to a 2022 Packers home game; a $500 Packers Pro Shop gift certificate; a road trip for two to a 2022 Packers away game, including game tickets, air fare and hotel accommodations; and a one-year subscription to Packer Plus.

The honoree also will have his or her name added to the list of FAN Hall of Fame honorees recognized in the Packers Hall of Fame.

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