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Kewaskum man on the mend following horrific accident

October 27, 2020 – Kewaskum, WI – Neighbors across Kewaskum and Washington County are praying for Joey Donald after he was involved in a horrific accident Thursday afternoon, October 22 on eastbound I-94 in Waukesha County.

The accident happened at 2:48 p.m. at HWY G just west of Grandview Road. The call came in as “one person pinned under pickup truck.”

Joey’s wife Carrie relayed how the accident happened.

Joe was on I-94 east when he saw a lady spin out and hit the median 3 times. In Joe fashion, he quickly pulled over to make sure the lady was ok. He went up to her window, confirmed she was ok and then took her phone and called 911. That is all he can remember… Thank God.

accident on I94

All of a sudden, another lady came down the road and hit the exact spot that the lady Joe was helping hit and also hit the median. She then flew into the truck that Joe was helping which then rear ended his work truck and threw it 100 feet.

When she rear-ended the car Joe was helping, it threw him into the median, the car ran over him and pinned him against the median. The fire truck had to use a winch to get the truck off Joe because they couldn’t get to him.

accident Joey Donald

Carrie, 34, and Joey, 32, have been married about five weeks; they have two children a 1 year old and a 4 year old.

First we want to thank you for all your prayers. I just wanted to share with all of you Joe’s condition. In case you didn’t hear yet, I got a horrific call yesterday from Froedert informing me that Joe was hit by a car. I’m writing this cause as much as I to respond to all of you, my time needs to be with Joe. He is down at Froedert in the SICU right now.

He had a broken pelvis, broken humerus, 2 broken ribs, 2 cuts by his right eye, fractured L1, L2 and a puncture in his bladder. He had surgery today on his pelvis where they had to put in plates and screws to put it back together.

During surgery he lost 2 liters of blood, so they had to do a blood transfusion. When they got all that under control, they then went into his bladder and repaired the tear that the pelvis ripped. Everything finished great.

His humerus bone did not get fixed today because with the transfusion and the extra time under sedation.. they want to wait till next week so he has time to heal before the next big surgery. They are keeping him sedated overnight along with a breathing tube to keep him relaxed and rest easy. I also got the chance to talk to the police officer that was at the accident yesterday.

We need your continued prayers as this will be a long recovery for Joe. But in the words of Joe before surgery, “There ain’t no way a Ford is gonna kill me!”

We love you all and thanks for all your kind words and prayers.

Carrie and joey Fechter before the accident

During a brief conversation Monday, Carrie Donald said Joey will have surgery today on his humerus.

“Joe is a person who thinks everything happens for a reason and that God has a plan for him and even though this is horrible… he is in pretty good spirits,” said Carrie.

Click HERE if you would like to help in the family’s recovery. (This is a PayPal account that does not take any fees per transaction and 100% will go to the Donalds.)

If someone wants to drop off a gift for the Donalds or offer some support, those donations are being accepted at The Meraki Building, 1829 N. Main Street, in West Bend.

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