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All hands on deck as Kewaskum hit with 5 calls in 19 minutes on July 3, 2023 | By Chief Tom Bishop

July 5, 2023 – Kewaskum, WI – A series of emergency calls all coming within a 19-minute timeframe on July 3, 2023, kept the Kewaskum Fire and Rescue and the police busier than anyone ever anticipated.  Chief Tom Bishop and Chief Mark Groeschel penned a note of ‘thanks’ to area departments who helped.


On July 3, 2023, just after the conclusion of the fireworks display, the Kewaskum Fire Department was dispatched to five (5) rescue calls within a 19-minute period.

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9:56 p.m. – Kewaskum Rescue responded to a rescue call at 1111 Fond du Lac Ave for a report of a male party in cardiac arrest. CPR was started by civilians and then further performed by Kewaskum Police Department and Kewaskum Rescue EMT’s. An AED was also utilized during the cardiac event. West Bend Paramedic Intercept was also requested. The patient was transported by Kewaskum Rescue.

Dairy Queen Cake

10:01 p.m. – Kewaskum Rescue responded in River Hill Park for a female party experiencing a seizure.

10:05 p.m. – Kewaskum Rescue personnel responded in River Hill Park for a female party who fell and possibly broke her leg. Due to Kewaskum Rescue already on other calls, mutual aid was requested from West Bend Fire Department to respond to the scene.

10:13 p.m. – Kewaskum Rescue was dispatched to a rescue call in the Town of Farmington for a female experiencing an allergic reaction. Due to Kewaskum Rescue already on other calls, mutual aid was requested from West Bend Fire Department to respond to the scene.

10:15 p.m. – Kewaskum Rescue was dispatched to 1052 Fond du Lac Ave. for a report of a diabetic female who was having trouble breathing. Due to Kewaskum Rescue already on other calls, mutual aid was requested from Campbellsport Fire Department to respond to the scene. The patient went into cardiac arrest and West Bend Paramedic Intercept was also requested by Campbellsport Rescue.

The Village of Kewaskum is appreciative for the support received from surrounding departments and good Samaritans on scene to assist during this period of time.

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