47.9 F
West Bend

Kettlebrook Church moves ahead with development

1511 Layout - No Partition

On August 8, Judy Steffes was the only local reporter to bring you the story about officials with Kettlebrook Church looking to lease 24,500 square feet from the Threshold in the Lawrence and Vivian Stockhausen Center.

Paul Fisher, Kettlebrook Elder Chair, said that move is now coming to fruition. Fisher distributed this note to parishioners about coming to the agreement and moving forward with plans.

Fischer said they will lease space from the Threshold and begin renovation in October with occupancy targeted for April 2016.

Below is the note to parishioners.

At Sunday’s Annual Business Meeting, the Membership of Kettlebrook Church unanimously approved both the FY16 budget and the request to proceed with contract negotiations and construction of the Kettlebrook Community Center.

The Elders thank each of you for your patience, your questions, and your support of this project so far, and continue to covet your prayers as the next phase of bringing this vision to reality begins.

While the Kettlebrook Community Center project is now officially approved, please do not begin making contributions against your pledge at this time.

Once the contracts are signed and we know that no major obstacles remain in our path, each giving unit will receive a pledge statement from the church office. Included with this statement will be information on how to begin making your contributions.

To help you with your financial planning, we anticipate contributions can begin October 1, 2015.

For those who have pledged in the “one-time, up-front” category, we ask that you fulfill your pledge by November 30, 2015. The pledges made in the “five year” category will run through September 30, 2020, but we encourage early fulfillment of your pledge if you are blessed with that opportunity.

Thank you again for your support, and God’s blessings to each of you.

Paul Fischer
Kettlebrook Elder Chair

Watch for more exclusive comments from Paul Fischer in Saturday’s Around the Bend by Judy Steffes

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