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Kettle Moraine Lutheran topples Winneconne | By Megan Himm

February 5, 2020 – Jackson, WI – Off to a quick offensive start, the Kettle Moraine Lutheran (KML) Chargers defeated the Winneconne Wolves 93 – 57, on Tuesday night.

KML Basketball

Scoring the first five points of the game was Jacob Stoltz, which got him to 1,000 points in his high school career.


The Chargers’ offense was on fire as it ended the first half,well ahead of the Wolves, 42 – 29. They were able to keep up the energy throughout the second half and finished the game strong.

KML Basketball

Stoltz was the lead scorer for the Chargers with 22 points. Austin Schaff was close behind with 20 points. Austin Wagner and Samuel Rodriguez each had 9 points with Cole Biesterfeld following with 8 points.

KML Basketball

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