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Kettle Moraine Lutheran High School to host annual Veterans Day Observance | By Amelia Neuwirth

October 28, 2019-Jackson, WI- As Veterans Day is nearly upon us, Kettle Moraine Lutheran High School would like to show their sincere gratitude for all veterans.

The school’s annual Veterans Day Observance will be held on November 7 at 9 a.m. The program begins at 9:20 a.m. This year’s service will focus on the deep history of the flag-folding ceremony.

When asked about the experience, student Kaitlyn Martin replied, “My favorite part of the service is when the veterans from each branch rise during the Armed Forces Medley. Seeing those who served our country always fills me with immense gratitude. It’s really a special service that I am very thankful KML has.”

For those who are unable to attend, the concert will be live-streamed here

Amelia NeuwirthAbout the author: My name is Amelia Neuwirth. I’m 17 years old and a senior at Kettle Moraine Lutheran High School. Some interesting courses I am taking include AP Chemistry, Dual Credit Statistics, Spanish 4, and AP English. I have a part-time job at Cousins Subs. I enjoy writing about KML because I get to focus on things that are important to me or stories that don’t receive much attention in the media. I’m excited to report because it helps me improve my writing abilities, a useful skill that will serve me well in any career I decide to pursue.
My current GPA is 4.000 and I plan to attend Wisconsin Lutheran College and study neuroscience.

If you are a student in Washington County interested in having your school stories published please contact judy@washingtoncountyinsider.com

Photo courtesy Chamber Coalition

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