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Kettle Moraine Lutheran ends the season with a win over Brown Deer | By Megan Himm

March 13, 2020 – Waukesha, WI – With a final score of 80 – 77, the Kettle Moraine Lutheran Chargers came out victorious against the Brown Deer Falcons.

KML basketball

Due to the concern over COVID-19, attendance was restricted to 22 on the bench and 88 others per team. KML handled this by allowing each player and coach to designate four people to give tickets to. The result was a half-empty gym. KML fans back home were able to watch the game via a live stream.

KML basketball

Although the in-house fan base was small, KML parents and fans did not let that discourage them. The cheering was loud and proud for their Chargers. Jacob Stoltz said, “I wish everybody was here, but our fans, our parents, are the best. We knew they were going to be loud. They brought a bunch of balloons and decorations so that was cool.”

kml basketball

The Chargers were first to score and were up by a comfortable lead, 34 – 24 at halftime.

The second half was back and forth as the Chargers would go on a run, but the Flacons managed to keep the game within reach. The Falcons tied the game,  but never overtook the lead. With 24 seconds left the Chargers were up by one point. Fouls by the Falcons allowed KML to shoot free throws, increasing their lead to finish the game, 80 – 77.

KML basketball

Austin Wagner led KML with a career-high 28 points. Jacob Stoltz followed with 23 points and Austin Schaff finished up the top three with 17 points.

KML basketball

This marks the end of a great season for the Chargers as the Wisconsin Interscholastic Athletic Association (WIAA) has canceled the rest of the tournament for both girls and guys. For their official statement click here.

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