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West Bend West JV2 falls to Grafton | By Amelia Dubey

September 2, 2022 – West Bend, Wi – The West Bend West JV2 volleyball team lost a couple close games to the Grafton Black Hawks on Thursday night. This was a very intense match.
JV2 volleyball team West Bend West

In the first game, the Spartans came out strong winning 25-21. In the next two games, the Spartans fought hard with outstanding hits from Anna Popp, who had five kills, and Lizzie Thierer, who had 4 kills.

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In the end, Grafton was victorious, winning the next two games 21-25, and 22-25.

JV2 volleyball team West Bend West

The Spartans had a total of 15 ace serves.  The next match is home on Thursday, September 8 where West Bend West takes on the Slinger Owls at 5:30 p.m.

About the author: Amelia Dubey is a freshman at West Bend West and has played club volleyball four years.

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