36.7 F
West Bend

Jobs, Jobs, Jobs at Kettle Moraine Lutheran in Jackson, WI

Jackson, WI – Kettle Moraine Lutheran High School, 3399 Division Road, Jackson, WI is hiring.

  • Concessions: Work in Kettle Moraine Lutheran’s concession stand during home games and tournaments. This entails simple food preparation, customer service, and clean up. The schedule involves nights and weekends. If interested or for additional information, contact Mr. Jody Hansen, Director of Operations (262.677.4051 x4004; jody.hansen@kmlhs.org).
  • Study Hall/Commons Supervisor: Duties include monitoring students, maintaining an atmosphere conducive to study, issuing student passes as needed, collecting and entering lunch deposits, and depositing money with the fiscal office. Additionally, the person in this position will compile and disseminate school-wide morning announcements. This is a part-time seasonal position of approximately 7:30 AM – 3:00 PM, Monday – Friday, yearly from August through May (during the school year). Proposed start date for this job opening: January 2024. Hourly pay is based on experience. This position does not include benefits. Please submit questions and resumes on or before January 15, 2024, to Mrs. Melanie Schoeneck (262.677.4051 x4018; melanie.schoeneck@kmlhs.org). Visit kmlhs.org/jobs for a more detailed job description.
  • Director of Operations & Gift Planning Officer job openings will be posted soon

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