49.4 F
West Bend

Jobs, jobs, jobs Modern Woodmen is hiring in Washington County

Washington Co., WI – Modern Woodmen continues to experience positive growth and once again is opening interviews to add two Financial Representatives to the Washington County area.

Do you feel under valued at your current job, looking to be in business for yourself but not by yourself, wanting to advance your career, motivated to run your own office, or dedicated to make a positive impact in your local community?   We would love to talk to you.

Click HERE for more information.

Candidates can be currently licensed and experienced in the Financial Services industry, or simply looking for a career change.  This position comes with a full training and support program to all qualified candidates and is designed to work around your current work schedule.    This position also offers full benefits and a pension.

Qualifications that are a must:

-Solid track record of integrity and character

-Demonstrates leadership skills

-Team oriented

-Results driven

-Believes in giving back to their community

-Desire to run an office in your local community

Representatives with Modern Woodmen work closely with businesses and individuals to help secure Employee Benefits, Retirement Planning, Financial Services, and Financial Protection.   To set up a private and confidential meeting please contact 262-338-1006 and ask for Amanda Frey.

Founded in 1883 as a fraternal benefit society, Modern Woodmen of America offers financial services and member benefits to individuals, businesses, and families across the United States.   More than 750,000 members are joined by our common bonds.

Securities offered through MWA Financial Services, Inc. A wholly owned subsidiary of Modern Woodmen of America 1701 1st Ave., Rock Island, IL 61201 309-558-3100 Member: SIPC, FINRA


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