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Jeff Szukalski honored by UW-Washington County Ambassadors and UW-WC Foundation Board


Shawn Graff, Dave Stroik (board members for the Washington County Campus Foundation) Jeff Szukalski and Joan Rudnitzki


Dec. 6, 2017 – Washington Co., WI – Jeff Szukalski, owner of Jeff’s Spirits on Main, was honored by the UW-Washington County Ambassadors and the UW-WC Foundation Board for his generosity to UW-WC.

In presenting the gift, Joan Rudnitzki, thanked Jeff for his support and many kindnesses.

“It was a great honor,” said Szukalski. “This is a great college and foundation and they do great things for the community and the kids. I’m happy to support the college.”

Szukalski said his love of the community is what prompts him to give back. “It’s just a great place to be and a great place to grow up and connect with friends.”

“Being involved,” said Szukalski, “is just the right thing to do.”

The presentation was made during the annual holiday get together for faculty and staff at UW-WC sponsored by the Ambassador Council with support from the Schlegel Foundation.


Photo courtesy UW-Washington County

United Way

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