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Jayson Keniston sentenced to 29 years for battery to a police officer | By FDL District Atty. Eric Toney

July 28, 2023 – Fond du lac Co., WI – District Attorney Eric J. Toney announced that Jayson Keniston, of Fond du Lac, WI, was sentenced by Judge Laura Lavey to a 29-year prison term; a bifurcated sentence of 14 years initial confinement and 15 years of extended supervision.


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A jury previously convicted Keniston on May 8, 2023. The court sentenced the defendant to consecutive prison terms for the following felonies and ran the four misdemeanor counts (battery and three counts of disorderly conduct) concurrent to the felony convictions.

Conviction                                           Years Initial Confinement     Extended Supervision

Battery to a law enforcement officer:             3 years                                        3 years

Resisting an officer causing great bodily harm 5 years                                        5 years

Substantial battery:                                       1.5 years                                    2 years

Substantial battery:                                       1.5 years                                     2 years

Aggravated battery:                                       3 years                                        3 years

Criminal Complaint_2 - Keniston, Jayson Brooks_Redacted

On January 13, 2022, a Fond du Lac police officer responded to a residence for a disorderly conduct complaint. The officer asked for the defendant’s identification. The defendant then violently attacked the police officer resulting in the officer suffering a broken nose, a fractured thumb, a ruptured ACL, as well as other cuts and abrasions. The officer was noted to be suffering lingering effects from the attack.

Information - Amended_1 - Keniston, Jayson Brooks_3_Redacted

District Attorney Toney said, “An attack on a police officer is an attack on an entire community because police officers’ risk their lives every day to keep us safe. I’m proud to see our community and the courts provide justice based on the jury’s verdicts and the strong sentence from Judge Lavey. Attacks on a police officer will never be tolerated and we will aggressively prosecute anyone that engages in violence against law enforcement.”

This case was investigated by the City of Fond du Lac Police Department and prosecuted by Deputy District Attorney Barry Braatz.

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