36.7 F
West Bend

VIDEO | Jalapeño Popper is Eaton’s Pizza of the Month

West Bend, WI –  Eaton’s Fresh Pizza, 830 E. Paradise, Rd, West Bend, WI, announces Jalapeño Popper as the Pizza of the Month for March. Below is a flashback video to 2021.

It’s a good alternative during this Lenten season… although meat can be added as an option.

The popper starts with a creamy nacho sauce, then we add mozzarella and jalapeños. Lastly, we add crunchy jalapeños, cheddar, and pepper-jack cheese!

popper jalapeno

CALL (262) 429-2292 and order your fresh pizza today.

In Grafton call (262) 421-8589.

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